Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why I am not participating in Earth Hour.

One word: Pointless. If the local gov is geniue in promoting one hour, totally switch off all power plants for one solid hour. The main point is to raise awarness only. The whole act does no sh*t to the enviroment, here, we get our electricity via burning of natural gas. No mater how they put it is a "greener" alternative, it is not, burn(oxygen, natural gas) = heat + green house gas. To maintain that heat to convert to steam that drives the turbines, in turn drives the generators, it has to be run 24hrs a day, 365 days a year non-stop.

Believe me, they are not going to shut down a power plant for one full hour then face the headache of turning it back on again, u basically has to relit the furnace, then wait for steam, then for steam to turn the turbine, then wait for turbine to get up to the required RPM, u shut down for an hour, u going to need 4 to 5 hours to get it back going again. Remember the last black out we had where the gas supply was cut? Why was that so much complain about it? Why can people just take it as an "Earth Hour extended"?

So tonight when people starts turning off their switches, remember, the power stations are still churning out CO2 in that one hour, regardless tens of thousand switch off their electrical devices. In fact, it will cause the power station to run less efficiently, those in the power electronics/electrical field will know wat I am blabbering about, basically power stations has to adjust loading condition of the grid during usage to provide optimal loading to allow power stations to run more efficiently, there are also peak usage, example, heavy load in the evening. So smart ass comes along and suggest earth hour, in fact will be causing more harm than good in the end.

As I said earlier: Pointless.

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